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            習近平回信勉勵祖籍寧波的香港企業家Xi encourages Hong Kong entrepreneurs to make greater contribution to Chinese modernization
            習近平回信勉勵“強軍精武紅四連”全體官兵Xi encourages model military company to build itself into highly capable unit
            中共中央政治局召開會議 中共中央總書記習近平主持會議CPC leadership sets out economic priorities for 2nd half of 2024
            習近平致電祝賀馬杜羅當選連任委內瑞拉總統Xi congratulates Maduro on re-election as Venezuela's president
            以海報、動圖等形式講述大國領袖治國理政的偉大理念和思想以及對人民的殷切關懷。 Displaying Xi’s great ideas and thoughts on governance as the leader of a major country, as well as his sincere care for the wellbeing of the people, through posters, motion graphics, etc.
            學習卡片 | 凡將立國,制度不可不察也A state system must be established when founding a country.
            學習卡片 | 法與時轉則治The law must be adaptive to the changing times, so that social order and stability are maintained.
            學習卡片 | 不知恥者,無所不為A person without shame knows no limits.
            學習卡片 | 君子之德風,小人之德草,草上之風必偃The ruler's virtue is like wind, and commoners' virtue like grass, which always bends in the direction of the wind.
            打造“習式”詞典,以向國際社會闡釋當代中國發展理念。 Presenting contemporary China’s development ideas to the world
            學習詞典 | 中國主張、中國智慧、中國方案Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: China’s ideas, visions and solutions
            學習詞典 | 中國精神、中國價值、中國力量Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: China’s spirit, values and strengths
            學習詞典 | 塑造可信、可愛、可敬的中國形象Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: To present (a true image of) China as a country worthy of friendship, trust and respect
            學習詞典 | 構建中國話語和中國敘事體系Leadership Insights | Xi's Dictionary: To establish our own discourse and narrative
            講述習近平承諾于人民、承諾于世界的故事。 Narrating the stories of Xi’s commitments to the people and the world
            習文樂見 | 共同佑護各國人民生命和健康Work Together to Protect the Lives and Health of All
            習文樂見 |維護地球家園,促進人類可持續發展Protect the Earth for Sustainable Development
            習文樂見 | 共同維護世界和平安寧Maintain World Peace and Stability
            習文樂見 | 深化文明交流互鑒Deepen cultural exchanges and mutual learning
            原音重現解析習近平總書記系列重要思想內涵、理論精髓。 Interpreting the essential connotations of Xi’s important thoughts and theories with his own words
            習聲習語|團結就是力量,奮斗開創未來Xi's Voices | Unity for Strength and Hard Work for a Bright Future
            習聲習語|開展黨史學習教育要突出重點Xi's Voices | Focus of the Education Campaign on CPC History
            習聲習語|共創后疫情時代美好世界Xi's Voices | Create a Better Post-Covid World
            習聲習語|在中華人民共和國恢復聯合國合法席位五十周年紀念會議上的講話Xi's Voices | Speech at the Conference Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations


            Illustrating China’s reform and opening up, major-country diplomacy, and ethical development through the stories and practice cases General Sectary Xi Jinping mentioned in his works.


            Gathering literary quotations used by General Secretary Xi Jinping and interpreting Chinese culture and stories embedded in those quotations by means of videos, animations, etc. in an easy-to-understand way.


            Inviting representatives from various sectors to read classic quotes and chapters of Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, and share their understanding of the book series based on their personal experiences.


            Inviting a team of professional, innovative experts to interpret Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.


            Interpreting keywords concerning contemporary China’s development ideas, development path, domestic and foreign policies, philosophy and culture to the international community.


            Through the narrations by role models, this video series truly displays successful cases of learning and implementing Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era across China, providing references for Party members, officials, and the public to better learn the great thought.


            Chinese Spirit


            Narrating the underlying spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation based on the guiding principles in General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speeches.

            Illustrated Lectures


            Interpreting General Secretary Xi Jinping’s thought on governance as well as a series of new thoughts and new strategies he put forward through hand-drawn short videos.

            學習時間 | 脫貧、全面小康、現代化,一個民族也不能少
            The government will leave no ethnic group behind in the process of eliminatingpoverty, building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and in thecountry's drive toward modernization.
            On May 31, General Secretary Xi Jinping, on behalf of the Party Central Committee, sent congratulations to children and youth of all nationalities on their holidays.
            2020年到團組 習近平總書記關切的事
            At the two sessions in 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping discussed the state of affairs with delegates and members.



            中國有數China in Numbers
            China in Numbers


            Publishing data concerning Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era

            做助力“碳達峰 碳中和”的踐行者
            這份藍圖 有你關心的未來
            中國智慧Chinese Wisdom
            Chinese Wisdom


            Recording successful practice cases to implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in various areas, and telling Chinese stories of the new era to the world.

            中國智慧 | 生態黃河 萬里奔騰新時代

            中國碗裝中國糧 解碼雜交水稻的"中國智慧"
            碰詞兒Unique Chinese Words
            Catchy Phrases


            Interpreting Chinese features and spreading Chinese voices to audiences who care about China’s conditions both at home and abroad via simple but catchy phrases with Chinese characteristics.

            China-Laos Railway
            Mombasa-Nairobi Railway
            學習慕課Xi MOOC
            Xi MOOC


            Providing online courses on Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

            新青年新思想New Youth New Opinion
            新青年 新思想


            Fully showcasing what Chinese youth see and hear and how they think and do in the process of implementing the core socialist values in the new era, and lighting up the path forward for young people in contemporary China.

            第八期:以青春之力 共筑健康中國夢
            第七期:展現青春智慧 共創智造未來
            用文化為中國代言Speak for China with culture
            Cultural Ambassador of China


            Vividly demonstrating profound traditional Chinese culture via hand-drawn videos.

            亚洲第一黄色网站 亚洲东京热无码av专区 亚洲小说区图片区另类春色 亚洲综合情人伊人久久 午夜天堂影视香蕉久久 国产浮力第一页草草影院
            德江县 台安县 祥云县 海淀区 太白县 聂荣县
            驻马店市 二手房 北票市 罗山县 四会市 辽阳市
            增城市 白银市 鄂温 甘孜县 丽水市 光山县